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You're viewing Naruto : Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 4 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Naruto : Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 4
System : Nintendo DS
Date Added : 2007-09-20 04:31:52
Views : 14594
Play as One Tailed Kyuubi and Curse Mark 2 Sasuke
In the Japanese version, complete the last mission where you must defeat CS2 Sasuke with Rasengan (the first set).

Unlock Characters
Complete the following to obtain the secret support characters:
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
GaaraBeat "Secret Technque" With Chidori
Gai, KakashiDefeat Level 1 and 2
Gallary 2Beat all Missions
Gallery 1Beat the three rows of missions
ItachiBeat "Revenge!" with Sasuke
JiraiyaBeat the game
JiraiyaBeat "Teach him a lesson"
JiroboBeat "Chubby's Pride"
KabutoBeat "Betrayal!?" with Lighting Blade
KakashiBeat "Secret Technique Training"
KankuroBeat "I'll Handle This" with Paeasitic Insect Justu
KidomaruBeat "Pinpoint Blindspot!"
KisameBeat "Kisame's Counterattack"
Migh GuyBeat Taijutsu Training" with no Techniques
OrcohimaruBeat the all missions
SakonBeat "Combo!"
Sarutobi/Sandaime/The ThirdBeat a chapter with a Hokage Rank
TayuyaBeat "Calculated"
TemariBeat "What a Drag..." with Shadow Possesion Jutsu
The Third HokageBeat "Find the Glowing Scroll" Note: The Thrid Hokage is ONLY a support character
TsunadeBeat "The Famous Kunoichi!"

Extra Wallpapers in Graffiti Mode
All of the these games must be played on the same file:
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Chouji WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Gaara WallpaperComplete the game Twice.
Gai WallpaperComplete the game Twice.
Hinata WallpaperComplete the game Three times
Ino WallpaperComplete the game Three times
Jiraiya WallpaperComplete the game Twice.
Kakashi WallpaperComplete the game Twice.
Kankuro WallpaperComplete the game Twice.
Kiba WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Naruto WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Neji WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Rock Lee WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Sakura WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Sandaime WallpaperComplete the game Twice.
Sasuke WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Shikamaru WallpaperComplete the game Once.
Temari WallpaperComplete the game Three times
Tenten WallpaperComplete the game Three times

Hunting missions
When you enter a hunting mission use a ranged special attack such as Sasuke's Fireball technique or Tenten's Twin Rising Dragon.
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